Monday, November 19, 2012

2 Minutes

I arrived on the ship Saturday evening without any problems during the long trek over the Atlantic. After being here two days, I am starting to get settled and learning my way around. One thing about being on a ship is everything is within close proximity. In 2 minutes you can be anywhere on the ship whether walking up two flights of stairs to the cafeteria or walking down the hall from my room to the hospital. In no time I can reach the Starbucks café on board or the top deck which has a small pool and a great view of the water.

The 2 Minute "Ship Shower"
So continuing with the 2 minute theme… a “Ship shower” permits two minutes of water use. I guess this also helps to decrease the bathroom demand with six ladies sharing one bathroom. The bunk room feels more spacious than I anticipated. I am enjoying the various nationalities in my room. I have two roommates from Norway, one from Australia, one from New Zealand, and one roommate from the United States who I met in the airport in Brussels during out layover.

This may be a silly thought, but I realized when I got on the boat that I am surrounded by water. Here is a view from the top deck of the ship!
The View from the Ship

Tomorrow I start my official orientation on the unit. There haven’t been any ICU patients in awhile, so I will be working on Ward D which currently cares for Maxo-Facial patients.  There will be lots of learning, especially because I will be taking care of adults alongside of children. I am excited and ready to get to work! I’m also looking forward to spending Thanksgiving at an Orphanage this Thursday morning!

My bunk is on the Top


  1. How exciting! I am so glad you have the ability to get emails and blogs out to us on the other side of the Atlantic!!! The view is beautiful! What is the mountain peaks?

  2. Ah! So wonderful and so excited for you! Love the update, keep them coming!! :)

  3. Love it! I was actually thinking about you today, wondering how everything was going. Thanks for the update!

  4. 2 minute shower! You're in my prayers Emily ;P So glad to hear how everything is going! Love you!

  5. Glad that you arrived safely. I see the pictures but can't really imagine what it is like for you. I will keep you in my prayers. Enjoy your Thanksgiving! Sending love,
    Aunt Laura

  6. I love it! So excited for you! You were made for this, Em! So glad you followed the Lord and the desires He put in your heart - years ago! I'm asking for the Lord to remind me to pray for you! GRACE, GRACE!

  7. Emily, I'm so proud of you! Just reading your blog during my quiet time has inspired me! I want to be adventurous, venture into the unknown1! Praying for you.
