Friday, January 11, 2013

Giving Back

This past Wednesday just might be one of my most favorite days on the ship thus far, and it wasn’t just because it was my birthday. With a two week break from surgeries during the holidays things have been very quiet on the ship and in the hospital. This week as the hospital is filling back up, I found my patients giving me a renewed vision and purpose for what I am doing in Africa. I may have come to Guinea wanting to give hope to people, but I’m being blessed by how they give back!

I started the day visiting patients at the Hope Center. I enjoyed a game of African Uno using regular playing cards. As usual I kept my eyes peeled for babies waking up from their morning naps, and soon a mother came over to deposit her little baby into my arms. What can be better than baby cuddles on my birthday? Well, over Christmas I actually admitted this little girl while working night shift, and she was very sick requiring oxygen and other interventions. What a blessing to now hold this little girl who is healthy again and starting to gain weight so hopefully she can have her cleft lip repaired soon.
At the Hope Center with the little girl I cared for
around Christmas time who is now feeling better!

By lunch time we returned to the ship so that I could work the evening shift. In most circumstances it might not be exciting to work on one’s birthday, but I could not have thought of a better way to spend the day. This week we had the first real ICU patient since I’ve arrived on the ship. I really enjoyed getting to utilize my ICU skills caring for a vented patient immediately postoperatively. This particular patient has become loved by so many on the ship due to her infectious smile and the joy that she displays. We call her Mama seeing as how she’s in her 60s with several children and grandchildren. She has lived with a massive facial tumor for many, many years which has grown so large it sometimes compresses her trachea causing her difficulty with breathing.

Due to the size of the tumor her surgery was very difficult with significant bleeding; she required over 9 units of blood (That’s A LOT!)  What is amazing is that on Monday I donated blood, and the very next day I am caring for the same patient who received my blood! On Wednesday afternoon we removed her breathing tube. Later in the evening Mama looked in a mirror for the first time since her surgery. It was an incredible moment to stand beside her as I held up the mirror for her to witness the amazing miracle of her tumor being gone! She looked for the longest time gently feeling the side of her face with her hand. After many minutes passed she spoke of her thankfulness and happiness!

What an incredible moment to be her nurse and to witness one of the life changing miracles on the ship! I couldn’t have asked for a better way to spend my birthday. My coworkers did celebrate on the ward, and after work I enjoyed a little fondue party with friends! But my favorite moment of the day was one that Mama gave to me; I will not forget having the opportunity to care for her, hold her hand, give her blood, and most of all witnessing the first time she saw herself in many years without the large tumor!

Birthday celebration with friends! Everyone is doing my "Emily" face seeing
as how in every funny picture I have my mouth wide open!


  1. It's such a blessing to get to read of your experiences. Thank you for posting this!
    Aunt Laura

  2. Aww! I love the "Emily Face!!" Miss it and miss you!! So great to hear more about your birthday! What an amazing story about Mama. WOW!!! Welcome to the wise, wonderful age of 27. I've been waiting for you to arrive at maturity. You FINALLY made it! Congrats :) Love ya!

  3. LOVE THIS POST! I'm so glad you had such a memorable birthday! We miss you!
